Irresistibull Staffords
Staffordshire Bull Terriers
Staffordshire Bull Terriers are very fun, small, tidy, power packs. They are close coated naturally kept dogs; they aren't cropped or docked and keep their dew claws. I bathe mine weekly, trim their nails and clean their teeth and ears at the same time. Staffy Bulls are velcro dogs, always near you or on you. They will lick you. Constantly. Did I say constantly? They tolerate toddler and child shenanigans quite well.
Staffordshire Bull Terriers need a LOT of early dog socialization and will need continual socialization throughout their life. This doesn't mean you can turn them loose with any dog willy nilly. Introduce them to nice gentle dogs of varying sizes and types. You will also need to make behavior rules and enforce those rules. If you don't, they can be hyper, unruly, and dog aggressive.
They do have a lot of energy. Staffies will need mental and physical stimulation. The intelligence, willingness to please, high drive and energy mean they will excel at anything you ask them to do. Please find something fun to do with your Stafford. There are so many sports out there to choose from.
Staffords are also pretty sensitive. They do NOT need a heavy training hand. Positive reinforcement training works best to teach them new things. Physical correction will always work best for stopping dominance, just don't go crazy. And, just like disciplining children-Don't do it while angry.
Staffordshire Bull Terriers are VERY prone to separation anxiety. Crating while you are home is NECESSARY for their mental wellbeing. Start with 10 minutes a day and go up from there. I've seen a dramatic increase in this type of behavior since the onset of Covid changed the way Americans work. Many more people are able to work from home, so they stopped crating. Then the dogs lost their minds when they did have to be crated, destroying crates, breaking teeth, and stressing themselves and their owners out.
This is NOT a dog park dog. Dog parks are full of out of control rude dogs and irresponsible owners. Do not take your Staffordshire Bull Terrier to dog parks.
They also need to be close to their people. Do not keep them outside all the time. If you don't want a house dog; you don't want a Stafford.
Staffy Bulls are prone to skin/food allergies. A raw diet works best, but high quality kibble is second best. They can overheat quickly in warm climates. Outside of these two things, they're a healthy breed.
Please pay attention to the heat and take preventative measures. I walk mine early or late once the temperature goes over 60 degrees Fahrenheit. I also soak mine down with the hose before we walk. Check the asphalt with the back of your hand or your bare feet prior to asking them to walk on it. You can put booties on them to protect their feet too.
If you're looking for an older dog, look at the STBCA rescue page. They also have a Facebook page. Regardless of what age Staffordshire Bull Terrier you get, the training content on PuppyCulture.com will be an invaluable resource.
I absolutely adore this breed! If the things mentioned above don't scare you away, you will love them too.
Please email or call me anytime about dog questions. I'm always happy to help.