2012-2013: After Cisco, I showed Sparta, #actionsspartatheartofwar to her title. 2015: They had a litter of five. Two achieved Grand Champion titles and one achieved a Champion title. 2018: I bred Sushi #chirresistibullsushinami to UK born Maxsta Bombastic Boy and got Valkyrie #chirresistibullsrideofthevalkyrie. Harley gave me Holly #chirresistibullrogueone.
2015: I imported two Stafford girls, Zajra #chneterexessentiallyirresistibull and Gypsy #lawstaffattraction. I bred them both to Oliver, GCH Rockstaff Heart's Desire of Curl. Charm #chirresitibullpennysluckycharm, and Nina #irresistibullstormtrooper are the girls I'll be going forward with from those litters. Gypsy was also bred to Munson and produced two super dogs; Zelda #UKCBISCHirreisitibullsscandalabra, and Chaucer. They will be two soon and should be finished this year or early next year.
2016: I brought in a stellar girl from Big River Staffords, Kitty, #gchbigriversirresitibulldreamweaver and breed her to Loki #chirresistibullrocksteady. They gave me Munson #chirresistibullsasouthernlegend, Thor #GCHBirresistibullsridethethunder, and Otter #otterlyirresistibull. I went on to breed Kitty with GCH Brittstaff Dream Boy which yielded four puppies, Beni, Siena, Reese, and Rummy, and Stormfire London Pride which also yielded four puppies, Gossip, Journey, Chris, and Andvari.
2017: I finished five Amstaffs from my first litter (Chiles x Titan); Fancy, Navi, Fuego, Lotus, and Peaches. Fancy #GCHIrresistibullsImSoFancy finished in three weekends with multiple winners placements at specialty shows. Earned her Grand by going Best of Breed at 7 consecutive shows and best opposite sex at the eighth show just prior to her first birthday. She received multiple group placements while being shown by me and ended the year ranked #16 in breed. Navi #chirresistibullsimbringingbootyback got a group placement her very first day in the ring. Fuego #GCHSirresistibullsimonfirewithambition ranked #2 in Breed in 2018 and #3 in 2019. His handler had some medical issues in 2020, but still managed to rank him in the top 20 for the year. Still suffering from medical issues, Fuego's owner handler ranked him #7 in 2021. He received an Award of Merit his first trip to Westminster and a Select the second trip. He is currently ranked #4 in Breed (2022) with very limited showing. Fuego has had a very successful show career and has sired some very nice dogs. See Ambition Amstaffs for those. Lotus #chirresistibullsriseofthelavenderlotus earned her title in four days by going best of winners for 4 majors at the Houston World Series dog show. This is the fasted title I've had to date. She just produced a lovely litter with CH Ambition's No More Mister Nice Guy in Texas. These puppies are 7 weeks old. Peaches #chirreisistibullsweetgeorgiapeaches finished the next year at the same show. I bred her to Trigger #gchgsierrasgroundzero and got 8 lovely puppies. We have finished three of the four dogs here in Georgia this year, Eddie #chirresistibullsierraseddardstark, Leo #chirresistibullambitionsleonidas, and Capri #chirresistibullsierracapri. Kestra will enter the ring shortly and shouldn't take long to finish. Roscoe #irresistibullsierrasroscoemontgomery should also enter the show ring soon. He resides in Ohio.
2021: Fancy was bred to Fender. She gave me Champagne #chirresistibullchampagnekisses and Paris #irreisistibullmidnightinparis. Fig is also a champion from this litter, and she is residing with Cimar Kennel. Diesel came from Fancy's litter and has had a successful show career with the Blue Eagle Kennel located in Oklahoma. Champagne's litter produced Siri #irresistibullsseriousbusiness, Divvy #irresistibullsdivinenonchalance, and Zebo #irresistibullshighspeedlowdrag. These puppies are being shown this year. Paris gave me Edy, Echo, Siren, and Harmony. They will enter the show ring in 2023.
2022: We will be breeding Holly, and Charm later this year. Holly will be here in GA and Charm will be in Texas. Holly will be bred to Munson, and Charm will be bred to Thor. If you're looking for a Stafford puppy at the end of the year or the beginning of the next, send in an application today. If you're approved, you can place a deposit to get on my list. This will guarantee you a puppy.
Charm, Capri, Eddie, Leo, Zebo, Beni earned their Champion titles this year!
2022: Mona #irresistibullsimfueledbyambition and Eddie will have puppies late July. This is an AmStaff litter.
There are AmStaff Puppies out of Irresistibull dogs currently located in Oklahoma (, Texas, and Georgia (later this month). If you're looking for a summer buddy, submit an application today.
2023 Plans:
We are working on getting titles for Kestra, Andvari, Siena, and Rihanna. Then we will work on titles for Roscoe, Echo, Chris, and Chaucer.
We will be breeding Champagne and Valkyrie. Champagne is due in now which means a summer litter, and Valkyrie's litter is planned for her November heat, which means winter puppies.
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